Meanders deeply incised into the limestone: the spectacular Uvac Gorge (Увац, pronounced “Uwatz”) is a little-visited natural wonder in Serbia, not far from the border with Montenegro (see also my book The Formation of Mountains). It was not even in my guidebook, and it is not signposted. The next village is Sjenica, where you take the road towards Ivanjica. After a few kilometres there is a small lake on the right of the road. Directly behind it, a jeep track branches off to the left and leads up a hill. We park at the lake and follow the track on foot, where we reach the ranger’s camp after half an hour. If you are not found by the ranger beforehand, like we were, you pay the entrance fee here. You can also stay overnight. Through a wooden gate we continue along a path that offers ever better views. After about 2 h (from the car) you reach a great viewpoint called Molitva, which is built like a balcony and towers above the meanders. It is worth walking another 15 minutes or so to a second viewpoint to see the Uvac Canyon from a different perspective.