Plugin for QGIS to set CRS of the Project to the UTM Zone corresponding to the center of the extent of the active layer.
QGIS Plugin Registry: ProjectUTM
Source code: Repository on Github
License: GPL v2

Use case
Open a shapefile or GPX track in QGIS and set the CRS project to the correct UTM zone with one click on the UTM Button in the Plugins Toolbar.
Works with QGIS >= 3.18 (because it requires pyproj >= 3.0.0). You can install the plugin with the Plugin Manager in QGIS. Or clone / copy the source code into your QGIS plugin folder.
1.1 (2023-1)
- Set required QGIS version to >= 3.18 (because it requires pyproj >= 3.0.0)
1.0 (2023-01)
- Warn if layer extent is not fully within UTM zone
0.2 (2022-09)
- Now it also works on layers that are not in WGS84 …
- Do not crash if pyproj did not return any CRS.
- Fix typo
0.1 (2022-09)
First Release